电子芯片回收厂家ichaiyang 2024-05-09 19:43 24
MT, or MTK, is a chip manufacturer in Taiwan, and its Chinese name is Mediatek.MediaTek.Inc. (MTK is an IC design company founded in Taiwan, China on May 28, 1997.The company incl...

What brand is mt chip?

MT, or MTK, is a chip manufacturer in Taiwan, and its Chinese name is Mediatek.

MediaTek.Inc. (MTK) is an IC design company founded in Taiwan, China on May 28, 1997.

The company includes wireless communication, high-definition digital TV, optical storage and other related products.

In 2001, Mediatek was listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. In 2015, Mediatek acquired all the shares of Liqi Technology.

On July 12, 2010, Taiwan Mediatek officially joined the \"Open Handset Alliance\" initiated by Google to promote the Android operating system, and will create Mediatek's \"exclusive Android smart phone solution\".