电子芯片回收厂家ichaiyang 2024-05-09 19:42 23
First of all, Huawei did not buy the Jinjiang plant, but it did cooperate with SPIL (Taiwanese-owned factory .In response to the US embargo, Huawei is accelerating its own supply c...

Huawei to buy Jinjiang factory?

First of all, Huawei did not buy the Jinjiang plant, but it did cooperate with SPIL (Taiwanese-owned factory).

In response to the US embargo, Huawei is accelerating its own supply chain, and attracting Taiwan semiconductor manufacturers to break through, and SPIL under ASE Investment Control has become Huawei's first favored Taiwanese manufacturers. Spil's new plant in Jinjiang, Fujian Province, officially received orders and shipped in September, and launched a 5nm chip back-end test in Taiwan, becoming an important member of Huawei's self-built supply chain.

In addition, IC test factories Jingyuan Electric, Sige, and wafer inspection solution manufacturer Jing Test, also said that they will set up factories in the mainland at the request of Huawei.

Spil Fujian sealed test plant transferred to cooperate with Huawei's chip manufacturer hisilicon, and the two sides agreed that in the future, SPIL Fujian plant will provide Hisilicon with the back-end sealing test service of the chips produced by TSMC Nanjing plant.