芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:13 115
Computing power behavior A15, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8gen1, Tianguet 9000.Basically, high-end flagship mobile phone chips are Apple's A15, Qualcomm Snapdragon's 8gen1, Mediatek's Tian...

Mobile phone chip computing power ranking?

Computing power behavior A15, Qualcomm Snapdragon 8gen1, Tianguet 9000.

Basically, high-end flagship mobile phone chips are Apple's A15, Qualcomm Snapdragon's 8gen1, Mediatek's Tianji 9000, and these three mobile phone chips are in the forefront of computing power. Although the Apple A15 is a 5 nanometer chip, Apple's own design and TSMC foundry are usually one to two generations ahead of Android chips. Qualcomm Snapdragon 8gen1 is a 4-nanometer chip manufactured by Samsung, and Mediatek Tianji 9000 is a 4-nanometer chip manufactured by TSMC. Next, chip computing power such as Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 and Apple A14 can also be used for sub-flagship machines.