小型干扰芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 19:25 23
When the sinusoidal signal generated by the oscillation circuit is interfered with by the outside world, its waveform will be superimpose a variety of burr signals, if the use of S...

What is an eft chip?

When the sinusoidal signal generated by the oscillation circuit is interfered with by the outside world, its waveform will be superimpose a variety of burr signals, if the use of Schmidt circuit to shape it, the burr may become a trigger signal, disturbing the normal clock signal.

The alternating use of Schmidt circuit and RC filter circuit can eliminate these burrs or make them fail, so as to ensure the normal clock signal of the system, and thus improve the stability of the system.

Motorola's MC68HC08 series microcontroller uses this technology chip.

etf chip is a securities chip etf fund, and the chip etf tracks the semiconductor chip index involving the chip industry such as materials, equipment, design, manufacturing, packaging and testing.