1. According to the material of u disk, it can be divided into metal u disk, plastic u disk, soft rubber u disk, leather u disk, wooden u disk, jewelry u disk, etc. These are mainl...

How many types of u disk?

1. According to the material of u disk, it can be divided into metal u disk, plastic u disk, soft rubber u disk, leather u disk, wooden u disk, jewelry u disk, etc. These are mainly considering the material used in the shell of the u disk itself.

2, from the u disk capacity to points, that is, 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, etc., this is relatively simple.

3, from the brand to points, that is, according to the major manufacturers of products to points. What Kingston, Patriot, Lang Co, Yuchan, PNY, etc. For this classification, u disk industry insiders may be more clear. Because for many manufacturers, u disk is only a branch of its subordinate business. People who don't know its parent company probably don't know much about its USB flash drive products.

4, USB flash drive according to its actual use can also be classified, such as gift USB flash drive, advertising USB flash drive, business USB flash drive, etc. This classification is subject to its practical use.

5, from the structure of the u disk division, the final u disk can also be divided into ordinary u disk and black colloidal u disk. The black colloidal u disk is composed of a black colloidal package and a shell. Ordinary u disk is composed of a shell, a chip, a crystal oscillator, etc.