intel芯片组ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:57 27
Motherboard chipset is also a very important part of the laptop, whether it is the performance of the performance, or the overall power consumption control, and the chipset is clos...

What's a laptop chipset?

Motherboard chipset is also a very important part of the laptop, whether it is the performance of the performance, or the overall power consumption control, and the chipset is closely related. The best comprehensive performance on the laptop is non-Intel mobile chipset, whether it is memory, disk performance, or power management is the best, other competitors in this field can not compete, which is also one of the reasons why Intel is far ahead in the notebook field.

In addition, SiS, Ali and Ati North bridge Ali South Bridge are common in laptop chipsets, and others have VIA, but generally appear in laptops using AMD processors, although these chips exist in the market, but in the actual product share is small, often appear in some low-cost notebooks. It should be noted that some ultra-low-cost notebooks use desktop accessories in the chipset, processor and memory, although the cost is low and the price is cheap, but the overall stability is doubtful, and the internal design and heat dissipation are worrying, and there is no notebook expansion slot - PC card slot, which is very important. Strictly speaking, it does not count as a laptop, and users should pay attention to this when buying a low-cost laptop. The other day, my brother bought a Thor notebook with expansion slots, and it ended up being used.