魔鬼芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:56 24
The Love chip is a special device in the Reloader 2R that gives the body some extra effects after use. Specifically, Love chip has the following three main effects: 1. Increased A...

Reloader soldier 2r love chip effect?

The Love chip is a special device in the Reloader 2R that gives the body some extra effects after use.
Specifically, Love chip has the following three main effects:
1. Increased Attack power: Equipped with the Love chip, the body's attack power is increased, making it more effective at dealing damage to enemies. 2. Improve defense: The Love chip will also increase the body's defense, so that it can better withstand enemy attacks in battle. 3. Increase movement speed: After equipping the Love chip, the movement speed of the body will be increased, so that it can move faster on the battlefield and avoid enemy attacks. It should be noted that the effect of the Love chip is not permanent, and its effect will disappear automatically after a period of time. Therefore, the rational use and control of the use of Love chips in combat can help players achieve better combat results.

Salvage at sea, can randomly get the LOVE chip

Exploring the beaches of Strange Island

1F or 2F detection in buried buildings

Some fixed approaches:

L1: Alcatraz 4F Chest; Bennett's Sea House Store (Sea Woman Store); Bazas Town treasure House

O1: Hawker Exchange Human Prop Shop; Alcatraz B2 Chest

V1: Alcatraz 3F Chest; \"Please give me water\" task payment

E1: Swan Town Vault; Alcatraz 6F Chest

L2: \"Take Me to Love\" reward

O2: Dark Channel Treasure Chest

V2: \"To Wharftown\" quest reward

E2: Reward for the \"Eliza's Lover\" quest

L3: Bennett's Sea House Store (Sea Woman Store)

O3: \"Swan Advance\" task reward

V3: Death Cross Human Prop Shop

E3: Bayas Urban Treasure Chest