魔鬼芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:56 15
1. [Alcatraz] 3F found the robot after investigation, give him O1-IC chip and L1-IC chip2. Take him back to the Cosmocannon Institute.3. Investigate the body on the bed, give the m...

Reloader soldier reversion side task, please fix how I complete?

1. [Alcatraz] 3F found the robot after investigation, give him O1-IC chip and L1-IC chip

2. Take him back to the Cosmocannon Institute.

3. Investigate the body on the bed, give the memory card to the robot and he will give you Mike's head, use it and follow the map to find 8 parts of the universe to complete.

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Heavy machine soldier 2 remaking task detailed guide

1. Main quest: Cross the desert

a. After the conversation, go to El Nino, talk to the NPC in white on the left of the tank shop, and learn that the old repairman (I think his name is Naru?) Have gone home;

b. Go back to Madol village and talk to Neru to get the chariot, talk again and go upstairs to sleep;

c. Talk to Neru the next day.

2. Task name: Covered well

a. Dialogue;

b. Talk to the bald man not far to the west;

c. Return to the manhole cover with bald head, the old man can be rescued. The mission of Mado Village is over, and it is time to set out for El Nino.

3. Quest Name: Hit the Predator!

a. After being taken to the underground transmission device, talk to the leader;

b. Defeat 5 Marauders around El Nino and return to dialogue. (Premise of hiring a partner in a wine shop)

4. Mission name: Memories Buried in the desert

(a) The Dialogue was entrusted with the acquisition of mine detectors;

b. Head north to the shark infested area, use a mine detector, and find the ring in the northwest;

c. Return to the dialogue with the merchant and complete the commission.

5. Quest Name: Revenge Motorcycle

a. Dialogue accept the commission, get No. 10 white motorcycle;

b. Travel to the desert north of Wharftown and defeat the Red Scorpion;

c. Return to the Nameless bar, talk to the hunter to complete the commission, and permanently own the white motorcycle.