非门芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:53 44
74hc132d is a 4-2 input with a non-Schmidt trigger. CMOS device, power supply operating voltage 2V ~ 6V.The 74HC132 logical function is an and-not gate, but because of the Schmidt...

What chip is 74hc132?

74hc132d is a 4-2 input with a non-Schmidt trigger. CMOS device, power supply operating voltage 2V ~ 6V.

The 74HC132 logical function is an and-not gate, but because of the Schmidt trigger, 74HC132 has different input threshold levels for the up signal and the down signal. The Boolean expression of 74HC132 device is: Y=A·B or Y=A B, positive logic. The 74HC132 circuit is temperature-neutral, can be triggered by even the slowest ramp input signal, and outputs a clear, jitter free signal. Signal inverse and I\/O interface circuits used in digital circuits.