非门芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:53 39
They are the most basic logic circuit in physics - the gate circuit, which can be understood as a kind of switch.An integrated circuit widely used on a silicon chip.The switch on i...

What is not gate, and gate, or gate, and not gate... What is the physics of them? Is there anything similar?

They are the most basic logic circuit in physics - the gate circuit, which can be understood as a kind of switch.

An integrated circuit widely used on a silicon chip.

The switch on is defined as 1, the switch off is 0, \"and gate\" it has two input terminals A and B, the output end is Y, must be A, B are 1, Y is 1.

\"Or gate\

\"Not gate\" must be A, B are 0 yes, Y is 1.

See High School Physics Elective 3-1