中国芯片技术ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:47 39
1, high-end CNC machine toolsMachine tools are the foundation of modern manufacturing, without the support of machine tools, modern manufacturing will be difficult to move forward....

Eight technologies that China is highly dependent on imports?

1, high-end CNC machine tools

Machine tools are the foundation of modern manufacturing, without the support of machine tools, modern manufacturing will be difficult to move forward. With the development of The Times and technology, the manufacturing industry has higher and higher requirements for precision machining, and higher-precision products have to rely on high-end CNC machine tools.

At present, the domestic high-performance machine tools are basically imported from Germany, the United States, Japan, the self-sufficiency rate of high-end CNC machine tools is less than 10%, although China continues to increase investment in research and development of high-end machine tools, but the accuracy and service life of domestic machine tools are far from the same level in the world.

2. Chip

From small smartphones used in ordinary times to supercomputers used in the moon landing, chips can be said to be everywhere. In 2018, China's chip market exceeded 400 billion US dollars, but unfortunately, China's core integrated circuit domestic chip share was 0, the trade deficit was as high as 165.7 billion US dollars, and the pain of chips was difficult to erase the shadow of Chinese manufacturing.

Although China is increasing efforts to research chip technology, but Chinese enterprises in the global chip industry pattern is still in the low-end field, China can independently manufacture analog, separation and other low-end chips, but logic, storage and other high-end chips are currently unable to be self-sufficient.

3. Lithography machine

Lithography machine is known as the mother of chips, the lack of domestic chips to a certain extent due to the weakness of lithography machine. At present, the manufacturing of high-end chip lithography machine, the world only the Netherlands ASML and Japan Nikon and Canon have, of which the Netherlands ASML accounts for 87.4% of the global share, due to the influence of the United States, these precision equipment is prohibited to export to China, these core equipment is not bought with money, can only rely on the Chinese people's own wisdom and hands.

The processes that the semiconductor industry is challenging today are 5nm and 7nm, which are less than one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human hair. In this precision processing conditions, any traditional processing methods are useless, \"work to do its job, must first benefit its tool\

4. Operating system

Although homegrown smartphones have taken the lead in the world, there is still a gap in smartphone operating systems in China. At present, Google's Android operating system market accounted for 81.5%, Apple IOS accounted for 18.4%, and the United States almost monopolized the entire smartphone operating system market.

If China wants to truly realize the independent production of smart phones, the blank operating system is a problem that can never be sidekicked. The construction of the most important software ecosystem of the operating system requires the cooperation of chip manufacturers, system manufacturers and software manufacturers for many years.

5. Medical equipment


Medical devices refer to instruments, equipment, appliances, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators directly or indirectly used in the human body,   Materials and other similar or related articles, Including the required software. It is mainly used for medical diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. Without medical equipment, it is difficult for China's hundreds of millions of medical patients to receive timely treatment.

Although China's medical industry is becoming more and more perfect, but many medical devices are imported from Germany, Japan, Switzerland, this high-end precision instrument, the cost of a device is usually up to millions or even millions.

At present, the gap between China's medical devices and developed countries is mainly reflected in high-end products. Domestic medical devices are seriously homogenized, for example, there are more than 200 enterprises that only produce infusion sets and syringes in China, lacking differentiation and innovation awareness.

6. Aeroengine

China's rockets can go to the moon, and fourth-generation fighters can independently develop, but aviation engines are still highly dependent on imports. At present, in the field of world aviation development, the dominance of the United States and the United Kingdom's aviation engine is difficult to shake, the United States Pratt & Whitney (PW: Pratt · Whitney), General Electric (GE: General Electric) and the United Kingdom's Rolls-Royce (RR: Rolls-Royce, also known as Rolls-Royce) firmly occupy the position of aviation hair three, domestic engine market share of less than 1%.

The lack of aero engine is not only related to the development of civil aviation in our country, but also has become an important factor restricting the fighting power of our air force. Taking China's J-20 fighter jet as an example, J-20 in the early engine far behind the F-22 equipped F119, can not carry out supersonic cruise, and supersonic cruise is an important standard for the fourth generation of aircraft, so can only make an article on the aerodynamic layout. It can be said that without the breakthrough of domestic aviation engines, there will be no future of our air force.

7. Car engine

At present, domestic engines still like to buy other people's technology and pick up the technology eliminated by others, resulting in the quality of domestic car brands can not keep up with the joint ventures and imported cars at the same time, and domestic engines have a big gap with foreign countries in terms of process and reliability.

Today, with the rapid development of independent brands, domestic cars have made great progress in appearance design and body workmanship, and some excellent products can even catch up with joint ventures in these aspects, but no matter how good appearance design and workmanship still can not make up for the short engine, an excellent engine will be an important basis for domestic cars to win the trust of consumers.

8. Marine diesel engine

China's shipbuilding technology is in the forefront of the world, but in the Marine diesel engine is highly dependent on imports, domestic in the Marine power plant, more than 95% of the diesel engine power plant, and the world's Marine diesel engine is basically MAN B& W Diesel and Wartsila monopolies.

Not only the Marine engine market is firmly occupied by foreign countries, but also the patent blockade is difficult to break through. It has been reported that a state-owned enterprise in the central and western regions of China has manufactured more than 300 medium-speed engines for ships, earning hundreds of millions of yuan, but when the enterprise pays intellectual property rights fees, the surplus is little. If domestic engines want to accumulate, breaking through the patent blockade has become the top priority.

9. High-end sensors

Whether it is smart phones, smart hardware or smart homes, high-end sensors are everywhere, and high-end sensors have become the basic accessories of the digital age.

At present, China's most lacking is high-end, sensitive sensors. In terms of the overall level, domestic sensor products are still mainly medium and low-end, and the technical level is relatively backward. The import of medium and high-end sensors in the Chinese market accounts for 80%, and digital, intelligent and miniaturized products are seriously lacking.

10. Switch machine

The switch machine is the executive mechanism of the switch control system, which can ensure the driving safety, improve the transportation efficiency and improve the labor intensity of the driving personnel. At present, the accuracy of the ZD6 switch machine independently produced in China is far less than that of Siemens S700K, which cannot meet the requirements of use and can only rely on imports.

11, high-end bearings

Bearings are almost everywhere in our lives, from small shared bicycles on the roadside to household appliances at home, to spacecraft in the sky, aircraft carriers in the water, all of which cannot exist without bearings.

However, the main bearings applied to precision machine tools are still in a blank in our country. The accuracy of rolling bearings is generally divided into P0, P6, P5, P4 and P2 five grades, the bearing accuracy on the spindle of precision machine tools should be P5 and higher, and for the spindle support of CNC machine tools, machining centers and other high-speed, Harbin bearing high-precision machine tools, you need to choose P4 and higher ultra-precision bearings. P4 and superior ultra-precision bearings have high requirements for technical performance and reliability, and more than half of domestic demand depends on imports.

12. Mainframes

Mainframes, also known as mainframes, rely on their powerful data storage capabilities and security to make certain important industries \"irreplaceable.\" Mainframes carry the most core applications of enterprises and institutions, such as bank fund transactions, user data and so on. If big banks like the Big Four have a major mainframe failure, bank transfers and ATMs will be paralyzed, and the mobile payments we use every day will not function normally.

China relies heavily on imports of such important enterprise equipment, mainly because the security and reliability of domestic mainframes lag far behind that of IBM.

13. Transmission electron microscope

Transmission electron microscope (TEM) is a large microscopic analysis equipment that uses high energy electron beam as illumination source for magnifying imaging. Compared with the light microscope, the transmission electron microscope can see the fine structure of less than 0.2um, which is an important instrument in the field of scientific research in China.

At present, China has not been able to produce high-precision transmission electron microscopy, and most of the electron microscopy used by universities and scientific research institutions is imported from the United States, Japan and the Netherlands.

14, CNC tools

CNC cutting tools are industrial teeth, and the processing of raw materials without cutting tools is nonsense. At present, domestic CNC tools in the process and layer technology and imported there is still a big gap, accuracy and durability are not as good as imported tools, coupled with the lack of high-end machine tool technology, China's CNC tools can only rely on imports.

15, high precision manipulator

The robot is one of the most important parts of industrial robots, and the precision requirements of industrial robots are getting higher and higher as China's manufacturing industry gradually moves toward digitalization and intelligence. At present, the world's most advanced KUKA industrial robot, with its flexible manipulator has been able to compete with the table tennis world champion, and China is still unable to produce high-precision manipulator, resulting in China's industrial robot independent production seriously backward.

16, gene detector

Some time ago, the gene-edited baby incident broke online has caused widespread concern, many people think that China has mastered gene editing technology, but unfortunately, China can not even produce a gene detection device.

Gene sequencer was born in 1986, has gone through more than 30 years, of which more than 99% of the equipment are developed, designed and produced in the United States, if there is no advanced machinery in the United States as technical support, China's genetic engineering will be difficult.

17, vacuum evaporation machine

With the launch of Huawei mate20 equipped with BOE OLED screens, domestic OLED screens will play an increasingly important role in the international market. However, as the \"heart\" of the OLED panel manufacturing process: vacuum evaporation machine, its core technology is still firmly in the hands of Canon Tokki Japan.

The annual production of Canon Tokki is usually only a few to a dozen units, and they are sold out before they leave the factory. It can evaporation of organic luminescent materials to the substrate error control within 5 microns, no other company's evaporation machine has achieved this accuracy. At present, there is no enterprise producing evaporation machine in China, and we have no say in this field.

18, photosensitive dry film

Photosensitive dry film is a special product for the manufacture of printed circuit board (PCB), which is usually composed of polyethylene film, photoresist film and polyester film. The main function of the photosensitive dry film is to isolate oxygen, stratify and avoid mechanical scratches, without which the life of the circuit board will be greatly reduced.

In 2017, the production of photoresist dry film in China was about 0.7 million square meters, accounting for only 1\/3 of domestic consumption, and the vast majority of it depended on imports.

19. Anti-cancer drugs

\"I am not a Medicine God\" for the first time caused people to think about the price of imported drugs, the reason why the price of imported drugs is so high is the high research and development investment of foreign pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, it also stems from the lack of domestic innovative drugs. In 2017, the scale of oncology drugs in China exceeded 140 billion, but 95% of them depended on imports.

A new drug is a lifesaver for cancer patients, but it is a research and development investment of tens of billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies over 6-10 years. Chinese manufacturers still have a long way to go to enable cancer patients in China to take cheap domestic drugs as soon as possible.

20. Digital camera

China is highly dependent on imports of several major technologies:

1. High-end machine tools.

2. Aeroengine.

3. Mobile phone, car communication chip.

4. The operating system, now has a cloud.

5. Chips

6. High-end bearings

7. Industrial design software

8. Genetic tests

9. Digital camera

10. High precision manipulator

11. High-end precision medical devices.

12. Transmission electron microscope

13. Marine diesel engine, automobile engine, etc

China is highly dependent on imports of several major technologies:

1. High-end machine tools.

2. Aeroengine.

3. Mobile phone, car communication chip.

4. The operating system, now has a cloud.

5. Chips

6. High-end bearings

7. Industrial design software

8. Genetic tests

9. Digital camera

10. High precision manipulator

11. High-end precision medical devices.

12. Transmission electron microscope

13. Marine diesel engine, automobile engine, etc