中国芯片技术ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:47 43
1. Comparison of technical difficultyLithography machine and aerospace technology are very important fields in high-tech industry. In terms of technical difficulty, lithography and...

Is lithography, chip technology harder than aerospace?

1. Comparison of technical difficulty

Lithography machine and aerospace technology are very important fields in high-tech industry. In terms of technical difficulty, lithography and aerospace technology have their own unique complexity.

Lithography is a very precise semiconductor device that is used to transfer graphics to semiconductor materials and is an important device for making chips. The lithography machine requires highly precise optical components, mechanical motion control, physics, chemistry and other knowledge, involving the integrated application of multiple disciplines.

Space technology, on the other hand, is more mechanical, with more weight constraints, air resistance and engineering considerations, as well as more extreme environments such as high radiation and extremely low temperatures in space. Space technology requires more engineers and scientists to collaborate in order to succeed.

Although the core technology of the lithography machine does not require much mechanical application knowledge, the high precision of the lithography machine parts and the high requirements for numerical control technology also make the lithography machine no less difficult than aerospace technology.

Second, the comparison of practical application

There are also differences between lithography and aerospace technology in terms of practical applications. Their difficulty and complexity in practice also vary according to the field in which they are located.

Lithography machines are mainly used in semiconductor industry, such as manufacturing transistors and semiconductor devices. Lithography machines require a high degree of accuracy and repeatability, and the application demand is growing, and it has a very important role in the production of smaller but more complete chips.

The practical application of space technology is relatively more extensive, such as satellite development, space exploration and so on. Space technology needs to face more complex and extreme environments, such as high radiation and low temperature in space, and also consider the gravitational influence of planets, planets and other celestial bodies, so it has a wider range of application scenarios and more severe environmental challenges.

Iii. Summary

On the whole, lithography machine and aerospace technology have their own characteristics and complexity in terms of technical difficulty and practical application. Although there are differences between the two, both require a high degree of professional knowledge, precise operating skills, and a high degree of patience and perseverance to succeed.

Therefore, it is not possible to simply make a clear evaluation of lithography and aerospace technology. The key is to understand their own characteristics and difficulties, and in practice to solve the problem, in order to successfully complete the task.

Lithography is more difficult

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Because the chip from design to manufacturing is a complex process, at present, the chip design software and production core lithography machine are foreign. However, the lithography machine is the most difficult, because the best design also needs to be made to be successful, and the yield must be maintained.


The purpose of the lithography machine is to manufacture chips, and the layer structure on the chip is in nanometer units, and what is more terrible is that if you zoom in on a chip, its complexity is equivalent to a city. It means that you have to carve a nanoscale city on a piece of glass, and the difficulty is not how hard the structure of the city is to figure out, but how to build the city in such small units.

Look at the aircraft engine, its internal structure is also complex, but more attention is paid to its overall construction of the result, the engine is simply to provide power to the rocket, meaning that its result is to provide power, of course, this power than provided to the car aircraft is certainly a lot of strong.

So you can see the difference in difficulty when you look at the results of the two objects, one is to build a city on a glass block, and the other is to provide a rocket with powerful power. Obviously, the complexity of the resulting lithography machine is far greater than that of the aeroengine.

At present, it seems that for us Chinese lithography machines are obviously more difficult, accurately speaking, the most advanced lithography machines.

We now aviation technology has been in the forefront of the world, and the lithography machine is not without, but the distance from the EUV lithography machine technology in Europe and the United States is relatively large, and it is conservatively estimated that it can not be studied in at least 5 years.