华为mate50芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:35 38
As of now (December 2021 , Huawei has not released the Mate 50 Pro phone, so there is still no official information about the specific specifications and equipment of the phone. Th...

Does the mate50pro use Snapdragon 8 chip?

As of now (December 2021), Huawei has not released the Mate 50 Pro phone, so there is still no official information about the specific specifications and equipment of the phone. The Snapdragon 8 chip is also a chip model that Qualcomm has not yet released.

It should be noted that Huawei usually uses its own developed HiSilicon chipset as the processor for its flagship phones. The Huawei Mate 40 Pro, for example, uses a Hisilicon Kirin 9000 chip. However, at the end of 2020, due to sanctions imposed by the US government on Huawei, Huawei faces supply chain problems and may not be able to use chips from US companies such as Qualcomm.

Please pay close attention to Huawei's official news release for the latest information and specifications about the Mate 50 Pro. Only after the official release will we be able to determine if the Mate 50 Pro uses the Snapdragon 8 chip or other specific chips.