The QW3862 is a low energy Bluetooth 5.0 SoC chip for IoT devices and wireless sensor networking applications. It has the following pin functions:VDD: The chip's power pin, connect...

qw3862 chip pin function voltage?

The QW3862 is a low energy Bluetooth 5.0 SoC chip for IoT devices and wireless sensor networking applications. It has the following pin functions:

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VDD: The chip's power pin, connected to a 3.0V to 3.6V power supply.

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GND: Ground pin of the chip.

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P0_0 to P0_31: GPIO pins that can be used to connect peripherals or controllers.

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P1_0 to P1_31: GPIO pins that can be used to connect peripherals or controllers.

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UART_TXD: UART transfer pin for serial data transfer.

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UART_RXD: UART receive pin for receiving serial data.

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SPI_CS_N: SPI chip selector pin, used to select the chip for data transmission.

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SPI_SCK: SPI clock pin for timing control.

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SPI_MOSI: SPI main device output input pin from the device for sending data.

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SPI_MISO: SPI main device input and secondary device output pin for receiving data.

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I2C_SCL: I2C clock pin for timing control.

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I2C_SDA: I2C data pin for data transfer.

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ADC_IN: Analog input pin used to measure analog voltage.

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RESET_N: Reset pin, used to reset the chip.

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These are some of the main pin functions of the QW3862 chip, which can be used to implement a variety of different hardware and software functions. For details, see the data manual of the chip.

Conclusion: It is different. qw3862 chip is an integrated circuit chip, the function and voltage of each pin is designed by the designer according to the needs, therefore, the function and voltage of each pin will be different. qw3862 chip is a kind of Bluetooth chip, the function and voltage of each pin determines the performance and stability of the entire chip, therefore, in different application scenarios, it is necessary to choose the appropriate chip model according to the actual needs to ensure that it has good performance and stability. At the same time, for developers, when using the qw3862 chip for development, it is necessary to understand the function and voltage of its various pins to ensure that it is correctly connected and used to avoid unnecessary problems.

The specific functional voltage needs to be checked in the official data manual of the chip, but in general, different feet have different functional requirements, and the corresponding voltage is different.
Some common pins include power supply pins, transistor control pins, data input and output pins, etc., all of which have different voltage requirements.
Therefore, when studying the qw3862 chip, it is necessary to consult its official data manual to understand the specific functional voltage range of each pin.

Parameters of the qw3862 pin function.

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Wide operating VIN range: 3.5V to 60V

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Wide negative VOUT range: -0.4V to over -150V

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Low working IQ = 70μA

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Powerful high voltage MOSFET gate driver

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Constant frequency current mode architecture

VAGND: analog ground, grounding DGND: digital ground, grounding IOVDD: I\/O power supply, recommended power supply voltage 1.8V ~ 3.6VRESETN: reset, when the RESETN pin input low power level, the chip will be reset. The recommended input level is VDD or IOVDDSWCLK: serial interface clock, the recommended input level is IOVDDSWDIO: serial interface data, the recommended input level is IOVDDUART_TX: serial transmission, the recommended input level is IOVDDUART_RX: Serial port reception, it is recommended that the input level is IOVDD, the above detailed description is for your reference.