L9651 is a remote control chip, mainly used in automotive electronic systems. Its pins are defined as follows:1. VCC: chip power supply, recommended power supply voltage range of 5...

l9651 chip pin definition?

L9651 is a remote control chip, mainly used in automotive electronic systems. Its pins are defined as follows:

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1. VCC: chip power supply, recommended power supply voltage range of 5V to 16V.

2. GND: Ground cable, which connects to the power ground cable.

3. MISO: SPI signal line, the chip sends data to the master.

4. MOSI: SPI signal line, the master sends data to the chip.

5. SCK: SPI clock signal line, controlled by the master.

6. CS: SPI chip selection signal line, controlled by the master.

7. K1, K2, K3, K4, S1, S2, S3, S4: remote control output line, can directly drive relays or other loads.

8. AL: alarm output line, when the chip detects errors or anomalies, output warning signals.

9. VBAT: indicates the standby power input. The recommended voltage range is 3V to 5V.

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It is important to note that the pin definition of the chip may vary depending on the specific chip model, so you should check the model specific data book to confirm the pin definition.

The L9651 is an interface chip for automotive applications with the main functions of driving and monitoring engine controllers, ABS\/TCU\/ETS controllers and other modules.

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The pins of the L9651 chip are defined as follows:

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1. EN - Enables input

2. RL - low side switch ripple filter output

3. RH - high side switch ripple filter output

4. GND - Ground terminal

5. Vcc - Power supply

6. ISO - electrical isolation end

7. STB - bus enable end

8. CANH - high-speed bus signal line

9. CANL - high-speed bus signal line

10. LIN - Low speed bus signal line

11. LOUT - Low output end

12. HOUT - High side output end

13. SD - Transceiver power supply prohibit control end

14. TXD - Serial sending data end

15. RXD - serial receiving data end

16. TST - Test end

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Among them, EN, STB, SD, and ISO are control pins, RL, RH, LOUT, and HOUT are output pins, and CANH, CANL, LIN, TXD, and RXD are communication interface pins.

Pin 1 is the output 1,2 negative invert 1,3 is the positive phase 1,4 is the negative power supply, 5 is the positive phase input 2,6 is the invert input 2,7 is the output 2,8 is the positive power supply, this IC is mainly used for sound circuits,D is the modified version, the conversion rate is 6 volts per microsecond, and the conversion rate without D is 0.5. As for the Angle voltage, it is not given, because its operating voltage is plus or minus 3 volts to plus or minus 15 volts, so it cannot be given. But when feet 6 and 2 are normal, they are 0 volts, which is called virtual ground. In fact, this integrated circuit is used in ultra-light, which is used in active speakers and subwoofers