3914 is linear. 3915 is 3db.3914 is linear. The volume should be exponential. 3915 and 16, one is 3dB, and the other is auditory. Check the manual. If it feels like 14 lights up al...

3914 chip and 3915 difference?

3914 is linear. 3915 is 3db.

3914 is linear. The volume should be exponential. 3915 and 16, one is 3dB, and the other is auditory. Check the manual. If it feels like 14 lights up all at once, it's because it's graded evenly. Human ear.

Design a volume level indicator with LM3915.

The LM3915 is an integrated circuit with analog voltage indications and an integrated LED driver that can drive 10 LED indicators simultaneously. Each drive level difference step 3dB, the chip provides 30dB dynamic indication range. The chip provides both point and strip indication status, and the user can choose the display mode according to the situation.