CMS79F1738 is a microcontroller chip based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. The number of pins of the chip is 48, and it is allocated as follows: 1. VSS and VDD pins: for the ground and powe...

cms79f1738 chip pin introduction?

CMS79F1738 is a microcontroller chip based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. The number of pins of the chip is 48, and it is allocated as follows:
1. VSS and VDD pins: for the ground and power supply of the chip respectively.
2. I\/O pins: 32 GPIO pins for general input\/output operations.
3. Reset pin: Used to reset the system. 4. Clock source pin: including external crystal oscillator pin, internal clock source pin, etc.
5. System clock pin: Used for system clock input.
6. UART pin: Used for serial communication interface.
7. SPI pin: Used for serial peripheral interface.
8. I2C pin: Used for dual-wire communication interface.
9. ADC pin: ADC conversion interface pin, used for analog signal to digital signal.
10. PWM pin: Used for pulse width modulation output.
11. Timer\/Counter pin: For timer and counter peripherals.
12. External Interrupt pin: Used for external interrupt triggering.
These pins combine to form the external interface of the CMS79F1738 chip and can be used to connect various peripherals and sensors to achieve different application functions. These pins need to be configured and used according to the specific application requirements and circuit design.

CMS79F1738 is a high-performance single chip microcomputer, a total of 40 pins, including 4 input and output, 2 timers, 1 serial port, 1 SPI interface, 1 I2C interface, 1 analog comparator, etc.

The pins of the chip are distributed on both sides, among which pins 1-20 are located on the left side and pins 21-40 are located on the right side. The arrangement density of the pins is larger, but the pins have rich functions, which can meet the design requirements of complex embedded systems. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the connection mode of the pins and the problems such as electrostatic protection during use.

CMS79F1738 chip is a high-performance, low-power single chip, its pin functions are as follows:
1. P1.0-P1.7: I\/O port, can be used for general input and output.
2. RST: reset pin, low level reset.
3. PSEN: program storage selection pin, used to select program memory when expanding external memory.
4. ALE\/PROG: Address latching Enable\/programming pin for address latching or programming operations of memory.
5. EA\/VPP: Select the power supply for the program memory. When EA\/VPP is low, the program memory uses an external power source.
6. XTAL1 and XTAL2: Crystal pins are used to connect external crystal pins.
7. VCC: chip power supply voltage pin.
8. GND: chip ground pin.
In addition, the CMS79F1738 chip also has a number of I\/O ports for the connection and communication of external devices, the specific function can be consulted through the chip manual.