PT2264 is a commonly used RF coding chip, usually used in wireless remote control, access control system, security equipment and other applications. If you need to reset the PT2264...

Chip pt2264 how to reset?

PT2264 is a commonly used RF coding chip, usually used in wireless remote control, access control system, security equipment and other applications. If you need to reset the PT2264 chip, you can follow the following steps:

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1. Power off: Power off the circuit board or device where the PT2264 chip is located to ensure that the chip is stopped.

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2. Short-reset pin: In the pin of the PT2264 chip, there is a pin marked \"RST\" or \"RESET\

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3. Restore to normal state: After shorting the reset pin, remove the wire or jumper cap and other tools, and power on again, the PT2264 chip can return to normal working state.

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When resetting the chip, ensure that the operation is correct and safe to avoid chip damage or other security problems caused by misoperation or improper operation. In addition, the specific reset method of the PT2264 chip may vary depending on the chip manufacturer and the use environment. It is recommended that you consult the relevant user manual or technical specifications before operation to ensure correct operation.

The chip PT2264 can be reset by grounding its power supply pin. When the power supply pin is connected to the ground potential, the chip is reset to its initial state and all internally stored information is erased.

A reset can be achieved by connecting a disconnected circuit or using a switch. During a reset, the chip stops running its normal operations and reinitializes its various functional modules.

This ensures that the chip can return to its initial state in case of an exception or error for the next operation. Reset plays an important role in solving the fault of the chip or restarting the use, but it should be used with caution to avoid unexpected situations.

Direct exchange, just set the oscillation resistance can be, the specific value refers to the old remote control, generally use 1.5M. 2264 chip (fully compatible with 2262 chip), but note that the transmitter PT2262 and the receiver PT2272 address code to be exactly the same; The oscillation resistance of the transmitter PT2262 and the receiver PT2272 must also match the oscillation resistance of the transmitter PT2262 commonly available on the market, which is 1.5M and 4.7M. The corresponding oscillation resistance of the receiver PT2272 chip is 270K and 820K respectively, and the oscillation resistance of a few products is 3.3M and 680K.