语音识别芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:14 50
The Neal Mechanical Epoch Sound Analysis chip is an advanced technology for analyzing sound signals. It has highly accurate sound recognition capabilities and is able to recognize...

What's in the Neil Mechanical Epoch Sound analysis chip?

The Neal Mechanical Epoch Sound Analysis chip is an advanced technology for analyzing sound signals. It has highly accurate sound recognition capabilities and is able to recognize and analyze different sound patterns and frequencies.

The chip also features noise filtering and noise cancellation to provide clear sound output. In addition, it has real-time processing capabilities to quickly respond to and process sound data. Neal Mechanical Era voice analysis chip is widely used in speech recognition, smart speakers, security monitoring and other fields, to provide people with a more intelligent and convenient voice interaction experience.

The sound analysis chip in Neal Mechanical Era is used to open the spur item, use this to listen to the unused sound to open the spur.