北桥芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:12 34
Riedaxin has LED and other power management chips, Riedaxin is the industry's rare has an independent chip development team, and in the sensor chip, RF chip and intelligent driver...

What chip does Riedmarsh have?

Riedaxin has LED and other power management chips, Riedaxin is the industry's rare has an independent chip development team, and in the sensor chip, RF chip and intelligent driver chip and other areas of the layout of the enterprise, has developed a number of can be used in batches of application-level chips.

Riedmarsh has the Southbridge chip

The Southbridge chip is based on one of the chips in the PC motherboard chipset architecture. The South bridge is designed to handle low-speed signals, which are connected to the central processing unit via the north bridge.