北桥芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:11 41
The north and south bridge can be blown down with a hot air gun, but it is a little difficult to weld it, generally mechanical pressure welding, if manual, soldering iron needle d...

South bridge, North bridge chip how to weld? It's too dense. What does the motherboard capacitor do?

The north and south bridge can be blown down with a hot air gun, but it is a little difficult to weld it, generally mechanical pressure welding, if manual, soldering iron needle diameter is less than 0.1MM capacitor There are many kinds of capacitors, power supply capacitors, filter capacitors, etc., capacitors are generally electrical storage parts, the function is like a battery, because the capacitance of the capacitor is small, so \"charging\" is particularly fast, consumption is particularly fast.