芯片技术ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:08 28
Recently, a research team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has proposed a new way of cooling electronic devices that can increase the cooling efficiency by...

What about Swiss chip technology?

Recently, a research team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has proposed a new way of cooling electronic devices that can increase the cooling efficiency by 50 times.

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The team proposed that the cooling system could be built directly into the chip. In the experiment, they placed coolant channels on the surface of the gallium nitride chip, near the circuit that generated the most heat. According to the paper, using this method, 0.57 watts\/cm2 of pump power can disperse more than 1.7 kW\/cm2 of heat flux, cooling performance is improved by 50 times, and the temperature of the chip is limited to 60 degrees Celsius.

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With this design, every 1 watt output point of the circuit only allows the temperature to rise by 1\/3 degree Celsius. At a chip temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, the cooling device can absorb a total of 176 watts of energy and requires a water flow of less than 1 milliliter per second. With this new design, the energy required for cooling in the future is expected to be reduced to less than 1% of the current value.