芯片技术ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:08 26
I personally think that although the ceiling of the chip has been touched, but within 15 years even if the quantum computer may form two or three generations, the chip in the elect...

Is there any technology that can replace the chip?

I personally think that although the ceiling of the chip has been touched, but within 15 years even if the quantum computer may form two or three generations, the chip in the electronic engineering network world is still not completely eliminated. As we all know, the chip in the communication information era is indispensable for basic accessories, and the front-end of the intelligent era is not a new product that can be applied to completely replace the chip. We have tested carbon-based chips other than silicon, but from the test to the application of at least five years or not smooth may be eight years, there may be a second generation of third generation of good products. That quantum computer in another 15 years may also be applied, qubit calculation can have storage exchange and image speech text integrated function? I personally think it's possible!

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It is too early to make a definitive decision on chip replacement. Because there are no proven programs or successful trials in the world. We only predict that it is likely to be replaced by quantum computers or quantum chips in 15 or 20 years.

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In addition, the light quantum chip has come out, can you have creative innovation to form new generations of products to replace the current chip? We don't know yet. However, the original chip will certainly not adapt to the market needs of the intelligent era after 20 years.

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Personally, I also think China???? China has the world's largest chip market application demand, as well as the world's most complete education and scientific research system. At present, there are more than 100 million people with higher education, including tens of millions of master's students and millions of doctoral students.???? It could be the first breakthrough in a decade! We will find new products to replace the latest electronic engineering intelligent engineering chips!

There is none at the moment.

Power IC chip technology plays a decisive enabling role in the new generation of information technology, the fifth generation of mobile communication, secure information infrastructure, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, VR\/AR, etc., depend on the continuous innovation of chip technology. Even if one day, technology is born by leaps and bounds and new technologies can replace chips, the initial infrastructure needs to spend more than ten years of time layout and adjustment before it can be formally put into the market. This is enough to show that the chip is irreplaceable at this stage, which is the basis and core of electronic information technology.