芯片卡ichaiyang 2024-05-09 18:05 33
Bank card needs to change the chip, the current chip cards have a validity period, of which the credit card is valid for about 5 years, the expiration of the credit card chip will...

Do I have to change the chip card for my bank card?

Bank card needs to change the chip, the current chip cards have a validity period, of which the credit card is valid for about 5 years, the expiration of the credit card chip will cause the card can not be used normally, and the cardholder needs to carry the ID card to the bank to replace the card chip to be used normally.

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Deposit card expired or chip damage, card loss and other circumstances also need the cardholder to go to the bank to replace the card.

A card without a chip does not have to be replaced. A card without a chip does not affect normal use, so it is not necessarily necessary to replace a new card. The bank card has a validity period, after the expiration, you need to go to the bank to apply for a new card, the new card is with a chip. Above is the bank card need to change the chip related content