芯片破解ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:58 19
For now, it seems that there is still some hope for cracking the switch's chip. Despite some of Nintendo's victories, the hacking teams are still trying new solutions and breakthro...

Is there still a game for switch to crack the chip?

For now, it seems that there is still some hope for cracking the switch's chip. Despite some of Nintendo's victories, the hacking teams are still trying new solutions and breakthroughs, and the competition can also be seen as a technological confrontation.

In addition, it is also possible that there will be new hackers\/crackers, or new vulnerabilities and methods, so that the switch chip is breached. Of course, we need to emphasize that any hacking is illegal, and cracking the switch poses risks to your device, data, and technical security, so please proceed with caution.

The market demand is very large, but can only be hidden cool, and now Tencent constantly through legal means to crack the store, they crack the domestic host with a chip to crack the fine.