The chip in the photovoltaic inverter mainly has two kinds of power devices and integrated circuit (IC) chips.
Power devices mainly include semiconductor switching devices IGBT and MOSFET, used for power conversion, IGBT power is large, mainly used for medium and high power inverters, MOSFET power is small, mainly used for small and medium power inverters; IC chips include microprocessors, such as MCU (single-chip microcomputer), DSP (digital signal processing), ARM, CPLD (high-speed programmable logic device) and so on.
Functional chips, such as digital to analog conversion, optocoupler, operation amplifier, logic gate, clock, memory and other integrated circuit chips, used in communication circuit, detection circuit, drive circuit, auxiliary power supply, with algorithm control, task processing, data access, power management, device driver, power conversion and control functions. The cost of chips in household and small inverters accounts for about 20%, of which the power device class accounts for 10-12%, and the integrated circuit IC chip class accounts for about 8-10%.