led芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:49 25
LED lamp damage, first determine whether the drive power is damaged or LED lamp bead damage.The possibility of damage to the drive power supply is relatively small, but there are a...

How to change the chip when the led light is broken?

LED lamp damage, first determine whether the drive power is damaged or LED lamp bead damage.The possibility of damage to the drive power supply is relatively small, but there are also, which can be easily determined by the replacement method, and there will be no more talk here.Lamp bead damage, generally individual lamp bead is bad, resulting in the overall light board flashing or all black, you can use the digital multimeter diode file or 200Ω file, the pen contact the corresponding polarity, one by one to detect the quality of the lamp bead, the normal lamp bead can emit weak light, \"dead lamp\" (or short circuit, or short circuit) will not see the light. Weld the dead lamp, and then reinstall the lamp bead of the same specification, and the lamp board can be illuminated again. However, there are two bad places in this way: first, few people have these professional equipment, and second, after \"correcting\" some lamp beads, other lamp beads may also occur again in the near future. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the drive power supply and the lamp board as a whole.

The replacement of the LED lamp chip requires certain technology and experience. The following are the general replacement steps:

1. Find the LED lamp chip that needs to be replaced, usually you need to remove the lamp shell to see.

2. Use a screwdriver or other tools to remove the circuit board and LED chip from the lamp.

3. Remove the original LED light chip, taking care not to damage the circuit board and other components.

4. Install the new LED light chip on the circuit board, paying attention to the jack and polarity.

5. Assemble the lamp and test to ensure that the new LED lamp chip works properly.