芯片相关资料ichaiyang 2024-05-08 12:41 32
The a63a chip is in alternating current in the voltage regulator circuit, because the direction of the current changes as a function of time. The process of capacitor charge and di...

What role does the a63a chip play in the voltage regulator circuit?

The a63a chip is in alternating current in the voltage regulator circuit, because the direction of the current changes as a function of time. The process of capacitor charge and discharge is time, this time, the formation of a changing electric field between the plates, and this electric field is also a function of time change. In fact, the current is passed between capacitors in the form of an electric field. The capacitor used in the coupling circuit is called the coupling capacitor, which is widely used in the resistance-capacitance coupling amplifier and other capacitive coupling circuits, and plays the role of separating the direct current AC.

a63a chip is a voltage regulator chip, which plays the role of controlling the voltage in the voltage regulator circuit.