时钟芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:43 49
differ in1, crystal vibration is used to produce a stable frequency. No input is required and the frequency stability is determined by the quartz crystal.2, the system is based on...

Crystal oscillator and clock chip difference?

differ in

1, crystal vibration is used to produce a stable frequency. No input is required and the frequency stability is determined by the quartz crystal.

2, the system is based on the input frequency, and then use this as frequency division, frequency doubling, PLL, etc., to produce the frequency required by the processor and each part of the mainboard. Its output frequency stability is determined by the input frequency. Therefore, if the clock chip wants to have accurate and stable output, it needs accurate and stable input, which requires the use of crystal vibration, the accurate performance of crystal vibration to ensure the accuracy of the device's soft clock (the accuracy of entering the timer overflow interruption), if the crystal vibration is not standard, it will lead to the soft clock is inaccurate, and it is necessary to use the RTC real-time clock to the device's soft clock time.

3, RTC real-time clock (such as: 8025T), it will run in accordance with its own precise level, mainly used to do date and time display, generally using 36.768KHZ crystal as the clock source.

Both crystal and clock chips are used to generate clock signals, but there are the following differences:

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1. Crystal oscillator is an oscillator component that generates a stable electrical signal through crystal vibration, which can achieve a high-precision clock signal, but it needs to be used in conjunction with other circuits to generate a complete clock signal.

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2. Clock chip is an integrated circuit, which not only contains crystal oscillator, but also integrates various components of clock signal generation and processing, and can directly output a complete clock signal, which is widely used in various systems, such as computers, communication equipment, electronic watches and so on.

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Therefore, the crystal oscillator and clock chip are both components that generate clock signals, but the application scenarios and functions are slightly different, and the appropriate products need to be selected according to the specific needs.

Crystal oscillator and clock chip are very different
Crystal oscillator is a very important crystal oscillator, its main role is to provide a reference clock signal, in many electronic devices have played a vital role, such as computers, mobile phones and so on; The clock chip is designed to obtain time information and process and control the reference clock signal provided by the
crystal oscillator is a stable and accurate periodic waveform signal, which generally needs to use other circuits to perform frequency division and delay operations to generate some specific timing signals. The clock chip extracts the external time and calibrates the internal clock, which is used to synchronize various functional modules
Therefore, although both are related to time, they are very different in main functions, working principles, application scenarios and so on

The crystal oscillator is a single element, and the clock chip is an integrated circuit. The crystal oscillator has simple structure and single function, and must be used to work with an oscillator. The clock chip has a complex structure and complete functions, and can work independently without the help of other circuits.

The crystal oscillator is a component that works at a certain frequency, and it needs to work properly with the help of an IC, but it cannot produce a clock signal.

The clock chip is an IC designed for the clock signal (such as DS1302, HT1381), external power supply and 32.768k crystal oscillator, connected with the MCU, the MCU can accurately read and modify the time and date of the clock chip, but the preservation depends on the clock chip.