芯片制造ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:42 52
Chip making method1. Deoxidize the sand to extract the silicon element in the sand, which is also the basic element of the semiconductor manufacturing industry.2. Silicon smelting,...

How is the chip made?

Chip making method

1. Deoxidize the sand to extract the silicon element in the sand, which is also the basic element of the semiconductor manufacturing industry.

2. Silicon smelting, through polydeoxidation, smelting, purification to get large crystals, that is, a big lump, the scientific name is silicon ingot.

3. The ingot is cut laterally into a single round silicon wafer, which is called a wafer, and the wafer is polished and polished to a smoothness that can even be taken out as a mirror.

4. Apply glue. Evenly apply a thin layer of glue to the wafer during rotation.

Chip manufacturing steps:

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1. Make wafers

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2. Wafer coating

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3. Wafer lithography development and etching

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4. Ion implantation

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5. Wafer testing

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6. Encapsulation

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The types of chips are also very many, there are dozens of large categories thousands of small categories. How difficult it is to manufacture a chip, the complete process of chip production includes chip design, chip production, packaging production, testing and other links, and the manufacturing process of a chip can be imagined to be very complex.