芯片制造ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:42 30
In chip manufacturing, PRO is Process, that is, the process of chip manufacturing. This process includes many steps, such as wafer cleaning, lithography, etching, metal deposition,...

What is the abbreviation for pro in chip manufacturing?

In chip manufacturing, PRO is Process, that is, the process of chip manufacturing. This process includes many steps, such as wafer cleaning, lithography, etching, metal deposition, mask etching, etc. Each step is very important, and any problem in any link may lead to the failure of chip manufacturing. Therefore, the fine PRO is essential for chip manufacturing. In order to ensure production quality and efficiency, chip manufacturing companies will invest a lot of manpower, financial and material resources to continuously optimize PRO. At the same time, these companies are also seeking new technologies and materials to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of chip manufacturing.