芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:11 104
The ranking of the chip mainly depends on the signal processing method of the chip, design concept, application field, process and so on. 1 According to...

Chip ranking?

The ranking of the chip mainly depends on the signal processing method of the chip, design concept, application field, process and so on.         1 According to the signal processing method can be divided into analog chips and digital chips.

2 According to the design concept can be divided into general chip and special chip.

3 According to the application field can be divided into aerospace grade chips, automotive grade chips, industrial grade chips and commercial grade chips.

4 According to the process, it can also be divided into 7nm chip, 14nm chip, 28nm chip...

Today, we will take Iron Man as an example, from the perspective of application functions, to people as an analogy, for a detailed classification.

1. Processor chip

The processor chip is the human brain, which is used to think, analyze and calculate.

Central processing unit (CPU), is the calculation and control core of the system, is the final execution unit of information processing and program operation. Generally speaking, it is difficult not to think of Intel at the first time, and the world's first commercial processor is Intel 4004. In addition to Intel, AMD, IBM, Qualcomm, etc. are representative companies that design CPU chips. Good domestic CPU companies have Huawei, Longson, Haiguang, Beijing Junzheng and so on.

Graphics processor (GPU), also known as the vision processor or display chip, is generally a microprocessor that does image and graphics related operations on mobile devices such as computers and mobile phones. Intel, Nvidia, AMD are all representative enterprises in the GPU field. In the past two years, the domestic GPU market has also fully blossomed, and companies such as Bi, Moore Thread, core technology, and Jingjiawei have released domestic Gpus.

Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is a unique microprocessor, which is a device that processes a large amount of information with digital signals. In addition to audio and video fields, DSP can be seen in automatic control, radar, military, aerospace, medical, household appliances and other fields. Microchip, TI, ADI, ARM and other companies are representative enterprises in the field of DSP chips.

A microcontroller (MCU) integrates computing, storage, and interfaces in a single chip to form a chip-level computer. MCU has a wide range of uses, but its largest application scenario has to be the car, a car contains more than 70 MCU chips. Domestic and foreign representative enterprises in the field of MCU chips are: Renesas Electronics, NXP, ST, Bada Semiconductor, Shilanwei, Fudan Microelectronics and so on.

2. Memory chips

Memory chips are the equivalent of the human cerebral cortex and are used to store information and data. According to psychology, human brain memory can be divided into instantaneous memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Similarly, there are different types of memory chips that play different roles.

Static random access memory (SRAM), as long as the power is kept, the data stored in it can be maintained constantly; But as soon as the power goes out, the data is lost. It is a volatile memory.

Dynamic random access memory (DRAM), which can only keep the data for a short time, so it needs to refresh regularly in the power state to keep the data unchanged; When the power goes out, the data is lost. It's also a volatile memory.

Read-only memory (ROM), information is fixed once written, even if the power is cut off, the information will not be lost. It is a non-volatile memory.

Flash memory (Flash), whether powered on or not, whether the data is refreshed, can retain data for a long time. Like ROM, it is a non-volatile memory.

China as the world's largest memory chip market, but for a long time memory chips are dependent on imports. At present, the memory market can be said to be monopolized by foreign giants, especially DRAM, Samsung, Hynix, Micron, the market share of these three is more than 94%. In order to break through the memory chip market, there are now a number of domestic memory chip companies to break through, such as Yangtze River Storage, Changxin storage, Zhaoyi Innovation, Huatian Technology, Fudan Microelectronics and so on.

3. Sensors

Sensors are equivalent to human features, which can sense\/measure sounds, images, temperature, humidity, pressure and light signals in life.

CMOS image sensor (CIS), is an electronic device that converts optical images into electronic signals, equivalent to the human retina, mobile phones, cameras and even satellite imaging can not be missing it. Domestic and foreign representative enterprises in the CIS field are: SONY, Samsung, Haowei Technology, Gkewei and so on.

Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) is a system that integrates microcircuits and micromachinery on a chip according to functional requirements. It is especially widely used in mobile phones, such as magnetic sensors, fingerprint sensors, environmental sensors and so on. Domestic and foreign representative enterprises in the field of MEMS are: Broadcom, Bosch, Goer Microelectronics, Minxin Micro, Shilanwei and so on.

Touch\/touch chip (Touch), everyone's daily use of mobile phones and tablets, they contain touch chips, this chip has a sensitive automatic recognition and tracking of environmental changes. Domestic and foreign representative enterprises in the field of Touch chip are: Atmel, BYD, Morningstar Semiconductor, Huidin Technology.

4. Power chip

The power chip is equivalent to the human heart and can provide nutrients to other organs in the body. Power chips can power ASics, DSPS, cpus, Memory, FPgas, and other digital or analog loads.

DC\/DC power chip (DCDC) refers to the power supply converted from DC to DC, which is a kind of switching power chip (the other is AC\/DC). Compared with AC\/DC, DC\/DC's design technology and production process have been mature and standardized at home and abroad.

LDO Low pressure differential linear voltage regulator (LDO) is a type of voltage regulator. In electronic design, it is often necessary to power different devices with different DC voltages, which can be achieved by LDO voltage regulator chips.

The Power Management Unit (PMU) is a highly integrated, more portable power management solution that allows for higher power conversion efficiency and lower power consumption.

The representative domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of power chips are: core source system, TI, Infineon, Toshiba, Ruixin Micro, Shengbang Microelectronics, Shanghai Beiling and so on.

5. Communication chip

The communication chip is equivalent to the human nerve, reaching everywhere, transmitting information and data.

Bluetooth chip (Bluetooth), Bluetooth is often used, it is a short-range wireless connection technology, supporting the transmission of sound and images. The representative enterprises in the field of Bluetooth chips are: Qualcomm, Cypress, Dialog, ST, Unigroup Zhanrui and so on.

Wireless chip (WIFI) Needless to say, Internet surfing is essential, but also a kind of short-range wireless communication. Representative companies in the field of WIFI chips are: Qualcomm, Broadcom, Marvell, Mediatek, Realtek, Loxin and so on.

Narrowband Internet of Things chip (NB-loT), is a long-distance wireless communication, belongs to the wide area network. It can be applied to intelligent meter reading, smart street lights, smart parking, shared bicycles and other fields. The representative enterprises in the field of NB-loT chip are: Qualcomm, Huawei, ZTE Micro, Mediatek, Unigungrui and so on.

6. Interface chip

The interface chip is equivalent to the human \"limbs\". It can also be used to transmit information and data.

Universal Serial Bus Chip (USB), an external bus standard, is an interface technology used in the PC and mobile phone fields. It is also one of our daily contact more, such as the USB port on the computer, the USB charging line of the mobile phone, are closely related to our lives. The representative companies in the field of USB chips are: Cypress, NXP and Allchi Technology.

The High-definition Multimedia Interface Chip (HDMI) is a fully digital video and sound transmission interface that can send uncompressed audio and video signals. Laptops, TVS and set-top boxes in our lives have HDMI interfaces. The representative companies in the field of HDMI chips are: Toshiba, ADI and Allchi Technology.