芯片相关资料ichaiyang 2024-05-08 12:41 24
The XC6209 series is a high precision, low noise, positive voltage LDO regulator manufactured in CMOS technology. The series achieves high ripple suppression and low voltage differ...

6209 Voltage regulator chip information?

The XC6209 series is a high precision, low noise, positive voltage LDO regulator manufactured in CMOS technology. The series achieves high ripple suppression and low voltage difference, and consists of a voltage reference, error amplifier, current limiter and phase compensation circuit, as well as a drive transistor.  

The output voltage can be selected in 0.05V increments from 0.9V to 6.0V.   It is also compatible with low ESR ceramic capacitors for improved output stability. Thanks to the series' excellent transient response, this stability is maintained even during load fluctuations. The reentry circuit of the current limiter can also be used as short circuit protection for the output current limiter and the output pin.