芯片测试ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:40 40
1. Chip verification engineer can not work for a lifetime. 2. Because with the continuous development of science and technology, chip verification technology is also constantly upd...

Can chip verification engineers last a lifetime?

1. Chip verification engineer can not work for a lifetime.
2. Because with the continuous development of science and technology, chip verification technology is also constantly updated, and it is necessary to constantly learn and adapt to new technologies and tools.
At the same time, with the growth of age, the body and energy will gradually decline, it is difficult to maintain a high intensity of work.
3. Chip verification engineers can develop in the direction of management, research and development through continuous learning and transformation, or switch to other jobs in related fields. In addition, maintaining a good physical and mental state, reasonable arrangement of work and life, can also extend the career.

About 30 years, because the professional life of IC verification engineers in general, like that kind of experienced engineers, he is generally about 35 to 55 years old, but at the age of 60 is mandatory retirement, a career life, if he is based on your age an experience, the earliest and the youngest will be about 30 years old, before Choose a more experienced certification engineer.

You can't do it forever. Verification engineers can not be able to work for a lifetime, because chip verification engineers need to be verified continuously, which requires a lot of brain power and calculation work, so they generally retire after reaching age and can not work for a lifetime.