芯片测试ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:39 19
Chip scanner? Chip scanner is used to detect gene chip hybridization results of the device, the current commercial supply of chip scanners mainly have two categories: laser confoca...

Chip scan detection specific work content?

Chip scanner

? Chip scanner is used to detect gene chip hybridization results of the device, the current commercial supply of chip scanners mainly have two categories: laser confocal microlattice chip scanner and CCD microlattice chip scanner, microlattice chip scanner is the most commonly used. The chip scanner generates a digital image file for each fluorescein by scanning the microlattice area (dot sample area) on the surface of the slide. The scanned images are generally stored in the computer in 16-bit TIFF format, and the images are self-black. Each spot on the image represents each sample point of the microlattice, and the gray level information of the image represents the fluorescence distribution and intensity of each spot and the surrounding background area.