芯片测试ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:38 24
The whole process of chip testing generally includes the following steps:Sample testing, test program development, mass production preparation, parameter testing, feature testing,...

Detail the whole process of chip testing?

The whole process of chip testing generally includes the following steps:

Sample testing, test program development, mass production preparation, parameter testing, feature testing, function testing, burn testing and report preparation, etc.

First, the sample test is carried out to check whether the working principle and characteristics of the chip meet the requirements;      

  Secondly, the test program is developed for automatic testing to ensure the automation of the test process;    

  Then, complete the preparation for mass production, and select the corresponding test equipment and test procedures;

After that, the parameter test is carried out to confirm whether the parameters of the chip meet the requirements.

Then, complete the characteristic test to verify whether the chip characteristics are correct;

After that, the functional test is carried out to confirm that the chip has basic functions;

Finally, the burning test is completed to ensure that the chip burning is complete and the reliability is high.

Finally, prepare the test report and record the test process in detail.