芯片相关资料ichaiyang 2024-05-08 12:41 32
5166 chip pin definition? 1, VCC power management chip power supply,2, VDD gate driver power supply voltage input or primary control signal power supply source,3, VID0-4 CPU and cp...

5166 Chip pin definition?

5166 chip pin definition? 1, VCC power management chip power supply,

2, VDD gate driver power supply voltage input or primary control signal power supply source,

3, VID0-4 CPU and cpu power supply management chip VID signal connection pin, mainly indicates the output signal of the chip, so that the two field tubes output the correct working voltage.

4, RUN SD: SHDN EN different chip start pin,

5, PGOOD PG: cpu core power supply circuit normal working signal output,

6, VTTGOOD: cpu external core power supply normal signal output,

7, UGATE: high-end field tube control signal,

8, LGATE: low-end field tube control signal,

9. PHASE: The phase voltage pin is connected to the overvoltage protection end