芯片相关资料ichaiyang 2024-05-08 12:41 24
The device operates in AD mode, drives up to two 315W \/4Ω loads and two 150W (unclipped power \/8Ω loads at 10% THD, and features a 2 VRMS analog input interface for seamless con...

3255 power amplifier chip information?

The device operates in AD mode, drives up to two 315W \/4Ω loads and two 150W (unclipped power) \/8Ω loads at 10% THD, and features a 2 VRMS analog input interface for seamless connectivity to high-performance Dacs such as TI's PCM5242. In addition to excellent audio performance, the TPA3255 offers both high power efficiency and ultra-low power level idle loss (below 2.5W).