芯片排行榜ichaiyang 2024-05-07 22:11 115
1, the United States, IntelIntel Corporation is one of the best computer chip companies, including microprocessors and chipsets, stand-alone SoCs or multi-chip packages.2. Samsung,...

World chip production ranking?

1, the United States, Intel

Intel Corporation is one of the best computer chip companies, including microprocessors and chipsets, stand-alone SoCs or multi-chip packages.

2. Samsung, South Korea

Samsung Electronics is the largest electronics manufacturer in South Korea and the largest subsidiary of the Samsung Group.

3. China, Mediatek

Mediatek is a listed company in Taiwan Province of China, founded in 1997, is the world's fourth largest semiconductor company, its research and development of chips to drive more than 1.5 billion intelligent terminal devices a year.

First, the United States. American chips monopolize 55% of the global market share, ranking first in the world.

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Second, South Korea. South Korea produces 22 percent of the world's chips.

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Third, Japan. Japan has excellent performance in the two major fields of global semiconductor equipment and materials, and Japan has semiconductor giants such as Kai Xia, SONY and Renesas. Japan produces 6% of the world's chips.

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