芯片封装ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:32 18
Chip design and packaging, from the production point of view, belongs to the product upstream and downstream relationship, with a good product design and process design, in order t...

Does chip design have anything to do with electronic packaging?

Chip design and packaging, from the production point of view, belongs to the product upstream and downstream relationship, with a good product design and process design, in order to produce a good product; From the specific enterprise, the chip design and packaging work is not separated from a whole, but the chip design should not only consider the mold matching problem of \"packaging\

From your actual situation, I think it is better to go to this foreign company engaged in chip packaging. Pure chip design work, it seems, is rare in China.

I'm a one-year hiatus. Package design mainly focuses on the packaging process, such as whether your design process can be achieved, whether the reliability is good, whether the yield is good, and whether the cost is lowest. For the electrical performance requirements, there is only a conceptual understanding, and the wiring rules are very simple.

Signal integrity is to use software to simulate whether performance indicators can be achieved under different wiring conditions, such as crosstalk, eye pattern, return loss, parasitic inductance, etc.