芯片封装ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:32 22
Wafer-level Chip Scale Packaging Technology (WLCSP 晶圆级芯片规模封装技术WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging is a wafer-level chip packaging method, different from the traditional chip p...

What is a wafer-level chip-size package?

Wafer-level Chip Scale Packaging Technology (WLCSP)


WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging) is a wafer-level chip packaging method, different from the traditional chip packaging method (first cut and then sealed, and at least 20% of the original chip volume is increased after packaging), this latest technology is first packaged and tested on the whole wafer. Then it is cut into individual IC particles, so the volume after packaging is equivalent to the original size of the IC bare crystal. The packaging method of WLCSP not only reduces the size of memory module significantly, but also meets the high density demand of mobile device for body space. On the other hand, in terms of performance, it also improves the speed and stability of data transmission.

Features of WLCSP

The biggest feature of WLCSP wafer-level chip packaging is that it can effectively reduce the package size, so it can be matched with mobile devices and meet the characteristics of portable products.

- Short data transmission path, high stability:

When the WLCSP package is used, because the circuit wiring line is short and thick (yellow line marked A to B), it can effectively increase the frequency of data transmission to reduce current loss, but also improve the stability of data transmission.

Good heat dissipation characteristics

Because the WLCSP lacks the traditional sealed plastic or ceramic packaging, the heat energy of the IC chip can be effectively dispersed without increasing the temperature of the main body, and this feature is of great benefit to the heat dissipation problem of the mobile device.