小米芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:31 15
Xiaomi's chips are Qualcomm's. Xiaomi is a friendly partner of Qualcomm and relies heavily on Qualcomm's 5G solutions, and Xiaomi's 5G phone uses Xiaolong 855 plug-in and Snapdrago...

Where did Xiaomi's chips come from?

Xiaomi's chips are Qualcomm's. Xiaomi is a friendly partner of Qualcomm and relies heavily on Qualcomm's 5G solutions, and Xiaomi's 5G phone uses Xiaolong 855 plug-in and Snapdragon X50 baseband mode.

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Qualcomm (English name: Qualcomm, Chinese abbreviation: Qualcomm Inc., Qualcomm or Qualcomm Inc.) was founded in 1985, headquartered in San Diego, California, USA, more than 35,400 employees around the world.

Qualcomm bought it, of course