芯片设计ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:28 23
You have to learn physics to make semiconductor materials.Semiconductor materials involved in the professional are:1. Microelectronics major.This major is the most closely related...

Do you need to learn physics to make semiconductor materials?

You have to learn physics to make semiconductor materials.

Semiconductor materials involved in the professional are:

1. Microelectronics major.

This major is the most closely related to chip design. After graduation, I am mainly engaged in development and research work in the field of information science and technology such as integrated circuit manufacturers, integrated circuit design centers, communications and computers. If I want to engage in chip semiconductor related work in the future, microelectronics is the first choice.

2. Major in material physics.

This major seems to have little to do with chips, in fact, its main courses are basic material science, material mechanics, electrical and electronics, material thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, material testing and analysis technology, solid state physics, and semiconductor materials and device physics. And the last two courses are the top priority of this major, so the major of material physics is also a very close relationship with the chip.

3, integrated circuit professional.

Integrated circuits are semiconductor chips, and large companies like Huawei hire a large number of integrated circuit professionals every year.

To learn physics. Semiconductor materials belong to the discipline of physics.

Turn semiconductors into integrated circuits. An integrated circuit is to connect components such as transistors, resistors, capacitors and wiring together, integrate them on semiconductor materials, and package them.

Jobs in integrated circuit design require majors in communications, electronics, applied mathematics, computers, electromagnetic fields, circuits, signal processing, microelectronics, etc. The foundation of these majors is physics.