光子芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:26 24
Huawei is using a method called \"silicon-based photonic integration technology,\" which can bypass the lithography machine for production. Specifically, this technology int...

How does Huawei produce photonic chips by bypassing lithography machines?

  Huawei is using a method called \"silicon-based photonic integration technology,\" which can bypass the lithography machine for production. Specifically, this technology integrates optoelectronic devices and traditional CMOS circuits on the same silicon chip, and manufactures the structure of photonic devices through micro-nano processing technology, so as to realize the interconnection of optoelectronic devices and electronic devices. This technology can greatly reduce the manufacturing cost and complexity of photonic chips, and improve production efficiency and reliability.
  In addition, Huawei has also adopted some other technical means to develop photonic chips, such as the use of three-dimensional stacking technology and the use of new materials. These technical means can help Huawei achieve the development and production of high-quality, high-performance photonic chips without lithography machines.

At present, there are mainly the following manufacturing methods for photonic chips:

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Direct writing method: The device is manufactured by using a laser beam to write the pattern directly on the photonic chip.

Template method: The use of templates to transfer the required pattern to the photonic chip, similar to the traditional electronic chip lithography process.

Self-assembly method: The components of the photonic chip are automatically arranged into the required structure using self-assembly technology.

However, as to whether Huawei has successfully bypassed the lithography machine to produce photonic chips, there is currently no public information for reference. As a global leading technology company, Huawei has strong R&D strength and resources in the field of chips, and may have conducted research and exploration in the field of photonic chips to a certain extent.

Huawei only designs the chip, but the manufacturer is TSMC, so it is not bypassing the lithography machine, but borrowing money to let others produce photonic chips.