光子芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:26 18
Not compatible with traditional circuit boards. The reason is that the signal transmission method used by the photonic chip and the traditional circuit board is different, the pho...

Can photonic chips be compatible with traditional circuit boards?

Not compatible with traditional circuit boards.
The reason is that the signal transmission method used by the photonic chip and the traditional circuit board is different, the photonic chip is transmitted through the optical signal, while the traditional circuit board is transmitted through the electrical signal, the signal transmission method of the two is incompatible.
Therefore, if you want to use a photonic chip, you need to use a specially designed circuit board to match the photonic chip, and you cannot directly replace the traditional circuit board. In addition, compared with traditional circuit boards, photonic chips are still in the early stage of development, and their application range is relatively small, which needs to be continuously improved and expanded in future research.
Photonic chip has the characteristics of ultra-high speed, large bandwidth and low energy consumption, and its application in the fields of computer, communication and sensing has a wide range of prospects.
It is foreseeable that in the future development of science and technology, the application of photonic chips will be further expanded and applied.

Because the working principle of the photonic chip is different from that of the traditional circuit board, the photonic chip uses the principle of photonics for information transmission and processing, while the traditional circuit board uses the principle of electronics for information transmission and processing. The signal processing and communication mechanisms between the two are different, so the photonic chip is not directly compatible with the traditional circuit board. However, they can be linked together by some technical means, such as through fiber optic connections, to achieve the conversion between different signal processing and communication mechanisms.