光子芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:25 31
Advantages: Photonic chips are known as the most likely to take over electronic chips, and their energy consumption is extremely low, because of the special properties of photons,...

The advantages and disadvantages of new photonic chips?

Advantages: Photonic chips are known as the most likely to take over electronic chips, and their energy consumption is extremely low, because of the special properties of photons, the performance of photonic chips is very powerful. The photonic chip has the characteristics of high computing speed, low power consumption and low delay, and is not easily affected by temperature, electromagnetic field and noise changes. It does not pursue the limit reduction of process size, breaks through the limitations of the process, and has more space for performance improvement.

Disadvantages: Photonic devices are difficult to make chips, and require long basic physics research to solve a large number of engineering problems.