Chip is a general term for semiconductor component products, which is a very fine semiconductor component, and the size of the general chip is relatively small. So what are the top 10 chip manufacturing companies in the world? Let's take a look at the world's top 10 chip manufacturing companies.
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1. Intel
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Founded in 1968, it has always been at the leading position and is the most famous creator of computers and central processing units.
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2. Samsung
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Founded in 1938, Samsung is involved in many fields, such as mobile phones, computers and various electronic semiconductors.
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3. Nvidia
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Founded in 1993, it focuses primarily on the creation of display chips and motherboard chipsets.
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4. Qualcomm Inc
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Founded in 1985, it is the most famous manufacturer of mobile phone chips.
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5. Super power
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Founded in 1969, a well-known graphics card manufacturer, involving cpus, graphics cards, motherboard computer hardware equipment and other fields.
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6. Wuhan Hisi Technology Co., LTD
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Founded in 2019, it is a company under Huawei, and its business has gradually expanded in just a few years.
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7. Taiwan Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., LTD
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Established in 1987, it is a professional chip company in China.
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8. Apple Inc
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Founded in 1976, a very well-known technology company, Apple Mobile phone can be said to lead the trend of smart phones.
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9. Marvell Electronic Technology Co., LTD
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Founded in 2004, China is a high-tech as the main industry chip company.
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10. Xilinx Corporation
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Founded in 1984, our main business is to develop and manufacture various advanced integrated circuits and software design tools.