芯片是什么东西ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:19 25
First of all, any card to read information, there must be a certain chip content, which is like a motherboard is inherited in the inside, through a certain technology can be identi...

Why can the ID card be brushed to identify information?

First of all, any card to read information, there must be a certain chip content, which is like a motherboard is inherited in the inside, through a certain technology can be identified and read out, of course, we humans can not be identified, but just like the traffic card, you can read the information inside through nfc identification, which is a very important link. You can carry out some data operations, plus the technology inside the ID card is actually very high, so the price is relatively expensive when you get the ID card, which makes sense, the chip integration degree and technology inside is relatively high.

So it only looks like a simple ID card, but the degree of technology chip inside is very high, and there are a lot of anti-counterfeiting, which is a key to the ID card reading information, using the corresponding machinery can read out the information, of course, in general, we do not know, but the ID card is our only identification attribute, we can look at it this way, Everything is an object, and objects have a lot of properties.

Why is it that our ID cards, which look nothing special on the surface, can read our personal information?

It's not surprising, because it uses our sensor card RF technology! So what is a sensor card?

Induction card is divided into induction IC card and induction ID card, many people now think that induction card only refers to non-contact IC card, in fact, this is a wrong understanding. Induction card technology is actually a radio frequency technology, it is a new technology developed in recent years, it successfully combines radio frequency technology and IC card or ID card technology to solve the problem of combining passive card and active card.