dsp芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:17 25
3142 DSP 405 CCD This chip scheme is the general solution (is the so-called 420 line false high line outside the so-called 450 line3142 DSP 633 CCD This chip scheme is the general...

3142 DSP 405 CCD This chip scheme compared to 3142 633 or 3142 639, what is the relationship between them?

3142 DSP 405 CCD This chip scheme is the general solution (is the so-called 420 line) false high line outside the so-called 450 line

3142 DSP 633 CCD This chip scheme is the general solution of low illumination (that is, 420 lines)

3142 DSP 639 CCD This chip scheme is high resolution low illumination 520 lines. (But only 480 lines of low illumination)

3172 6391\/3 is the low light at 520.

If you look at this, you can see why the SONY480 has only 480 lines, but the resolution area is the same as the so-called high line. The high line is blown out, the core is in the hands of SONY.