中国芯片排名第一ichaiyang 2024-05-09 17:15 29
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The United States 2 Stanford University The United States 3 Harvard Uni...

World's top chip university ranking?

1     Massachusetts Institute of Technology.   The United States  

2     Stanford University   The United States  

3     Harvard University   The United States  

4     University of Oxford.   Britain  

5     California Institute of Technology.   The United States  

6     Eth Zurich   Switzerland  

7     University of Cambridge.   Britain  

8     University College London.   Britain  

9     Imperial College London.   Britain  

10     University of Chicago.   The United States  

12    Nanyang Technological University   Singapore  

11     National University of Singapore.   Singapore  

13     Princeton University   The United States  

14     Cornell University   The United States  

Hello, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

2. Tsinghua University

3. Peking University

4. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

5. Xidian University

6. University of Science and Technology of China

7. Zhejiang University

8. Fudan University

9. Huazhong University of Science and Technology

10. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

13. Nankai University

14. Xi 'an University of Posts and Telecommunications

15. National University of Defense Technology

16. Tongji University

17. Southeast University

18. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences